+919472241383 info@pwcbed.org

AIDS Awareness Programme 2020

Club activities serve as the catalyst to enhance students’ awareness, skills and expertise apart from the regular classes. Science and Maths Club took an initiative to organize an Aids Awareness Programme for the teacher trainees of the 4th Semester in order to...

Field Visit to Tarumitra

The students of the Department of Education, Patna Women’s College went to Tarumitra Ashram, Digha, Patna on 28th and 29th February 2020 for a field visit. The day started with an orientation program organized by Miss Devo Priya Dutta, Co-ordinator, Tarumitra....

Campus Recruitment Drive 2020

The Department of Education, Patna Women’s College, conducted a campus recruitment drive on the 28th and 29th of February 2020 for the students of session 2018-20. The Objectives of the programme were:  To provide an opportunity for the students to showcase their...