In a harmonious celebration of patriotism and musical talent, the Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous organized a spirited Patriotic Song Competition on the occasion of Independence Day on 14th August 2023. The event was successfully organised by the Social Science Club of the department. The programme aimed to infuse a sense of national pride among the participants and honour the spirit of freedom. The audience witnessed a spirited contest among eight enthusiastic groups of first and third semester. Each group poured their hearts into their renditions, showcasing their musical prowess and evoking a strong sense of national pride among the audience.
The winners of the competition were as follows. Code 6 bagged the first prize. The second prize was a tie between Code 4 & Code 8. The third prize was won by Code 2.
In a heartwarming conclusion, the Head of the Department, Dr. Sister M. Saraj A.C., extended warm congratulations to all the participants. She acknowledged their efforts and dedication towards promoting patriotism through music. Encouraging the teacher trainees to carry their zeal into their future roles, she emphasized the importance of their responsibilities towards nurturing future generations with a strong sense of love for their country.
The programme concluded with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Somi Ali, representative of the Social Science Club, followed by the National Anthem.