The Department of Education, Patna Women’s College, celebrated International Mother Language Day on 20th February 2021. The Objectives of the programme were:
- To enable the students to learn the significance of the mother language
- To enrich students’ knowledge about mother language
- To develop sensitivity towards mother tongue and its conservation and propagation
A group of students presented a skit before the teaching staff and students. The skit brought light to the diversity of Indian culture, which is best depicted in different languages that people living in different regions spoke and gave the powerful message of peaceful co-existence and respect for all religions, cultures and languages.
Date: 20.02.2021
Time: 09:30 am – 10:00 am
Venue: Department of Education (B.Ed.)
Total number of participants: B.Ed. Ist Semester
Incharge: Ms. Yamini
Assistant Professor, Department of Education
Patna Women’s College