To celebrate the life of Mahatma Gandhi the Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous organised an Inter house Skit competition for the first semester students (session 2023-25), on 3rd October 2023, on the theme ‘Hind Swaraj: Ek Jeevan Vrit”.
The programme began with the enactment of the 1893 incident when Gandhi was thrown out of the train in South Africa. Further the singing group enchanted the audience with a rendition of the Ram Dhun. The four groups gave a mesmerizing performance on the various episodes of the Hind Swaraj titled Ahimsa Parmo Dharma, Azadi Ke Mayne, Hindustan Ki Dasha, and Swaraj Hamara Adhikar Hai. Through their acts the students portrayed the condition of the Indians during the British rule, the atrocities committed by the Britishers, the divide and rule policy, and finally a portrayal of Gandhi ji looking at present day India enraptured the spectators.
Dr Madhumita, and Dr Prabhas Ranjan, Assistant Professors, Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous were the distinguished judges of the competition. Code 3, with their episode ‘Hindustan Ki Dasha’, was declared the best act.
The whole programme gave an opportunity to the participants as well as the audience to reflect on the philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and to look inwards in ourselves, to discover the will power to live a righteous life.