To gear the students for the upcoming school internship programme, a series of workshops were conducted for the third-semester students of session 2022-24, by the Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous, from 13th July 2023 to 24th July 2023. The topics discussed were lesson planning, timetable creation, achievement test, case study, cumulative records, action research and unit planning. These workshops serve as a comprehensive guide, equipping teacher trainees with the skills they need to thrive in the dynamic and challenging world of teaching.
The workshop started with ‘Lesson Planning’, which was conducted by Dr. Sister M. Saroj A.C., Head, Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous, on 13th and 14th July 2023. The students were taught the intricacies of making a lesson plan and how it would aid them in taking a class. In this workshop, teacher trainees learned to develop detailed lesson plans with special emphasis on setting clear learning objectives, employing interactive teaching techniques and integrating assessment strategies to gauge student progress.
It was followed by Workshop on Timetable on 17th July, 2023 and the resource person for this workshop was Ms. Swati Shilpi, Assistant Professor, Department of Education. Organizing a productive and balanced timetable is an essential skill for any teacher. During this workshop, trainees learned the art of creating schedules that optimize learning time, accommodate co-curricular activities, and ensure smooth transitions between subjects.
Assessment is crucial for monitoring students’ progress and identifying areas that need improvement. The next topic was the Achievement Test which was conducted on 18th July 2023. The resource person for this workshop was Dr. Rashmi Sinha, Assistant Professor, Department of Education. This workshop helped teacher trainees develop fair and comprehensive achievement tests that accurately measure students’ understanding of the content. The trainees learned to create the blueprint and analyze test results and give feedback to the students.
Case studies offer invaluable insights into real-world classroom scenarios and challenges. The next topic was Case Study and the resource person for this workshop was Dr Madhumita, Assistant Professor, Department of Education. It was conducted on 19th July 2023. During this workshop, trainees delve into their understanding to find a case worth studying during their classroom teaching, allowing them to develop problem-solving skills. They learn to apply theories and pedagogical techniques to address students and their issues effectively.
A teacher’s responsibilities extend beyond the classroom, and proper management of cumulative records is essential. A workshop on Cumulative Records was organized on 20th July 2023. In this workshop, teacher trainees learned to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of students’ academic performance, attendance, and behavioural patterns. The resource person for this workshop was Dr Rashmi Sinha, Assistant Professor, Department of Education.
Action research empowers teachers to be proactive in their pursuit of continuous improvement. The next workshop was conducted on Action Research on 21st July 2023. The resource person for this workshop was Dr Shubhra and Ms.Waeza Afshan, Assistant Professor, Department of Education. This workshop introduces teacher trainees to action research methodologies, where they identify and investigate challenges within their classrooms. Through systematic data collection and analysis, they gained valuable insights into their teaching practices and develop evidence-based strategies to enhance teaching learning outcomes.
Unit plan is essential for proper planning of instruction as it helps in time management and completion of the syllabus. On 24th July 2023, a workshop was conducted on Unit Plan and the resource person was Dr Prabhas Ranjan, Assistant Professor, Patna Women’s College. They learned the need, importance and evaluation of unit plan for effective and efficient outcome-based teaching.