English language day at the UN is celebrated on 23rd April, the date traditionally observed as both the birthday and date of death of William Shakespeare. To celebrate the day, the members of the Language Club (session 2022-24), of The Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous, created a theatre-like ambience in the lecture hall, and organised an event entitled – “To be or not to be…. Celebrating Shakespeare” on 24th April 2023.
All students, faculty and the HOD, Dr. Sister M. Saroj A.C. listened with bated breath to the beautiful rendition of the sonnet, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” by Saumya, who began the programme, with the spot light focussed on her. Sister Velcima, Pooja, Paulina and Aliya presented the life-history of the great writer through a slide presentation. It showcased his life struggles, challenges, suffering and agony and these emotions, redirected by Shakespeare to create masterpieces like Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth.
Shakespeare also produced successful comedies like Twelfth Night, Midsummer’s Night Dream and Much Ado about Nothing. The Language Club activity introduced the audience to Shakespeare’s craft and his impact on contemporary Indian cinema through short video clips from his plays Hamlet and Midsummer’s Night Dream and also a clip from Vishal Bhardwaj’s Haider, a cinematic adaptation of Shakespeare’s hugely successful play, Hamlet.
The highlight of the programme was the skit enacted by Binny and Nidhi, essaying the role of Othello and Desdemona respectively. Madhu narrated how Othello, consumed by passion, jealousy and mistrust murders his wife in a fit of rage and subsequently kills himself, filled with remorse at his ghastly act of falsely accusing his beloved. The entire audience felt the chills of this scene as they had a taste of the clinging emotions that a Shakespearean tragedy could invoke. The performance of both the actors was applauded by everyone.
Megha proposed the vote of thanks. The Head of the Department, Dr. Saroj commended the efforts of the Language Club and wished them good luck for their future endeavours. The day ended with the phrase, ‘to be or not to be…’ resonating in every mind. The whole programme was conducted under the guidance of Dr Prabhas Ranjan, Dr Nitu Chauhan and Ms Waeza Afshan, Assistant Professors, Patna Women’s College.