+919472241383 info@pwcbed.org

The Department of Education, Patna Women’s College, conducted a campus recruitment drive on the 28th and 29th of February 2020 for the students of session 2018-20. The Objectives of the programme were: 

  • To provide an opportunity for the students to showcase their skills and earn a living.
  • To provide a platform for the students to hone their teaching and communication skills.

Around 30 reputed schools in Bihar participated in this recruitment drive and shortlisted candidates for their respective schools. The drive provided the teacher trainees with a lot of experience and immense opportunities to polish themselves and carve a new path in their life. 

Date: 28.02.2020-29.02.2020

Time: 10:00 am – 03:00 pm

Venue: Department of Education (B.Ed.) 

Total number of participants: B.Ed. IVth Semester

Incharge: Dr. Madhumita
Assistant Professor, Department of Education

Patna Women’s College