+919472241383 info@pwcbed.org

Satya Priyam

The Department has made me what I am today. It has infused confidence and self-awareness in me. It has taught me to be more disciplined, punctual and responsible. I feel that I have become a better person now.

Samreen Kausar (2015-17)

I enjoyed my study period in the Department of Education. It made me understand the teaching skills and life skills in a better way. Now, I feel really confident in life. I’m a better student only because of this institution, and I feel like I can conquer...

Smriti Gaurav 2015-2017

I have learned not only bookish knowledge but also the things which are necessary to become a good teacher as well as a good person working for a better society.

Aditi Prakash (2017 -19)

The extracurricular activities here were such that I could not resist myself to come out from my shell and to grow as a more confident individual.