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School Exposure Program II

School Exposure Program II

The second-semester trainees of session 2022-24 of the Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous, went on a six days School Exposure Programme II from 26.04.2023 to 04.05.2023. The Students were divided into five different schools in Patna,...
English Language Day

English Language Day

English language day at the UN is celebrated on 23rd April, the date traditionally observed as both the birthday and date of death of William Shakespeare. To celebrate the day, the members of the Language Club (session 2022-24), of The Department of Education, Patna...
Inter House Quiz Competition

Inter House Quiz Competition

The Social Science Club of The Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous, organised an Inter House Quiz Competition, on the theme ‘Water’, on 12th April 2023; under the celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, in accordance with NCTE’s AKAM...
Valedictory to the Session 2021-23

Valedictory to the Session 2021-23

The Department of Education, Patna Women’s College Autonomous, bid adieu to the students of the session 2021-23, in a solemn valedictory function on 11th April 2023. The programme began by invoking the blessing of the Lord, by singing the hymn, ‘In His time’...